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Plugins GraphCommerce

GraphCommerce's plugin system allows you to extend GraphCommerce's built-in components or functions with your own logic.

  • No runtime overhead: The plugin system is fully implemented in webpack and
  • Easy plugin creation: Configuration should happen in the plugin file, not a separate configuration file.
  • Should be validated with TypeScript

What is a plugin

A plugin is a way to modify React Components or a Function by wrapping them, without having to modify the code directly.

For the M2 people: Think of around plugins, but without configuration files and no performance penalty.

GraphCommerce has two kinds of plugins, React Component plugins and Function

React Component plugins, which can be used to:

  • Pass props to components
  • Place your own components before the original component
  • Place your own components after the original component
  • Skip rendering of the original component conditionally

Function plugins, which can be used to:

  • Call a function before the original function
  • Call a function after the original function
  • Modify the return value of a function
  • Modify the arguments of a function
  • Skip calling the original function conditionally

How do I write a React Component plugin?

In this example we're going to add some text to list items, just like the text ‘BY GC’ that can seen in the demo on category pages.

  1. Create a new file in /plugins/ProductListItemByGC.tsx with the following contents:

    import type { ProductListItem } from '@graphcommerce/magento-product'
    import type { ReactPlugin } from '@graphcommerce/next-config'
    import { Typography } from '@mui/material'
    export const component = 'ProductListItem' // Component to extend, required
    export const exported = '@graphcommerce/magento-product' // Location where the component is exported, required
    const ListPlugin: ReactPlugin<typeof ProductListItem> = (props) => {
      // Prev in this case is ProductListItem, you should be able to see this if you log it.
      const { Prev, ...rest } = props
      return (
            <Typography component='span' variant='caption'>
    export const Plugin = ListPlugin // An export with the name Plugin, required
  2. Trigger the 'interceptor generation' so GraphCommerce knows of the existence of your plugin. To enable: Modify the page that you expect the plugin to occur on. In this case modify pages/[...url].tsx by adding a few linebreaks and save the file

    If everything went as expected you should see Plugin! below the product name. If that doesn't work try restarting the dev server.

  3. Happy programming!

  4. You can enable debug mode in your graphcommerce.config.js:

    const config = {
      debug: {
        pluginStatus: true,

How does it work?

After the creation of the plugin file GraphCommerce will create an interceptor file to load you plugin. To see what has happened, open the node_modules/@graphcommerce/magento-product/index.interceptor.tsx and you should see something like:

export * from '.'
import { Plugin as AwesomeProductListItem } from '../../examples/magento-graphcms/plugins/AwesomeProductListItem'
import { ComponentProps } from 'react'
import { ProductListItem as ProductListItemBase } from '.'

 * Interceptor for `<ProductListItem/>` with these plugins:
 * - `../../examples/magento-graphcms/plugins/AwesomeProductListItem`
type ProductListItemProps = ComponentProps<typeof ProductListItemBase>

function AwesomeProductListItemInterceptor(props: ProductListItemProps) {
  return <AwesomeProductListItem {...props} Prev={ProductListItemBase} />
export const ProductListItem = AwesomeProductListItemInterceptor

If you read the interceptor file from the bottom up, you see:

  • The original ProductListItem is replaced with AwesomeProductListItemInterceptor
  • AwesomeProductListItemInterceptor is a react component which renders AwesomeProductListItem with a Prev prop.
  • AwesomeProductListItem is the plugin you just created.
  • Prev is the original ProductListItem (renamed to ProductListItemBase)
  • ProductListItemProps are the props of the original ProductListItem and thus your plugin is automatically validated by TypeScript.

So in conclusion, a plugin is a react component that renders the original component with a Prev prop. The Prev prop is the original component.

When opening the React debugger you can see the plugin wrapped.

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How are plugins loaded?

GraphCommerce uses a custom Webpack plugin to load the plugins. The plugin does a glob search for plugin folders in each GraphCommerce related pacakge: ${packageLocation}/plugins/**/*.{ts|tsx}

Package locations are the root and all packages with graphcommerce in the name (This means all @graphcommerce/* packages and @your-company/graphcommerce-plugin-name)

The Webpack plugin statically analyses the plugin file to find component, exported and ifConfig and extracts that information.

Possible use cases

In the examples above we've extended the product list items, but it should also work for other things such as:

  • Googletagmanager
  • Googleanalytics
  • Google recaptcha
  • Compare functionality
  • Wishlist functionality?
  • Abstraction between GraphCommerce and Backends? (Magento, BigCommerce, CommerceTools, etc.)

Conditionally include a plugin

Provide an ifConfig export in the plugin that will only include the plugin if a configuration value is truthy.

import type { IfConfig } from '@graphcommerce/next-config'
export const ifConfig: IfConfig = 'googleAnalytics'

Plugin loading order

A plugin is injected later than the dependencies of the package. So if a plugin is loaded to early, make sure the package has a dependency on the other package.