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Upgrading from GraphCommerce 6 to 7

Depending on the amounts of customisations you've made, there are some manual steps. Please follow the regular upgrade steps first.

Add fetchPolicy: cache-first to LayoutDocument queries

🟠 Only required if you've added custom pages

All occurences of LayoutDocument should get a fetchPolicy: 'cache-first' option.

// Find all occurences of
staticClient.query({ query: LayoutDocument })

// Replace with
staticClient.query({ query: LayoutDocument, fetchPolicy: 'cache-first' })

Use the new hygraphPageContent function instead of DefaultPageQuery

🟠 Only required if you've added custom pages

The DefaultPageDocument is removed in favor of the new hygraphPageContent query. This function handles caching better and allows for (currently in beta) DynamicRows feature.

// DefaultPageDocument
const page = staticClient.query({
  query: DefaultPageDocument,
  variables: { url: `blog/${urlKey}` },

// Becomes hygraphPageContent
const page = hygraphPageContent(staticClient, `blog/${urlKey}`)

All @graphql-mesh/* should be set to latest.

🟠 Only required if you've added custom @graphql-mesh/* packages

All @graphql-mesh packages are using a 0.x.x versioning schema. This means that each minor change is considered a major change by yarn. This causes lots of issues with version mismatches. Since @graphql-mesh isn't making any major breaking before releasing 1.x this is the safest course of action for now. Once 1.x is released we'll switch to "^1.0.0" as a version constraint.

In your package.json

// Replace
    "@graphql-mesh/json-schema": "^0.37.6",
    "@graphql-mesh/transform-filter-schema": "^0.15.8",

// With
    "@graphql-mesh/json-schema": "latest",
    "@graphql-mesh/transform-filter-schema": "latest",

Upgrading your Hygraph schema

Upgrade your Hygraph schema with the Hygraph migration cli. Select graphcommerce6to7 as version.